Thursday, December 10, 2009

Satan attacks

It never fails when you are trying to follow God, Satan attacks in every way he can. I keep hearing, "seek me daily" and the harder I try to do that the more distractions I have. I'm laying here on the couch because I can't get up and do anything and it hits me... Work on your bIble study! As I am reading my meds kick in and I can't hold my eyes open.

I think about our bible study all the time and often say "I need to work on that today." Satan always seems to distract me though and then I feel guilty for not doing if. If I hear Him loud and clear saying seek me daily, why is that so hard for me to do?

One of the things that jumped out at me in my study today was the similarities of Bible characters through whom God worked.
1. When God spoke, they knew it was God.
2. They knew what God was saying.
3. They knew what they were to do in respnse.
I have often asked the questions, how do I know it's God? How do I know what he wants me to do? And so on.

As I studied today, it was clear to me AGAIN that I need to seek Him daily and be in the Word daily. The Bible is designed to help you understand God's ways. Then when God starts to act in that manner in your life, you will recognize that it is He who is working.

Lord, help me to resist the temptations that Satan puts in my path. Help me find that few minutes of quit time in my day, everyday, so that I can seek you daily and be able to recognize when you are at work around me and so that I will clearly see what you want me to do in evey situation. Amen.

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