Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In Over My Head

Have you ever felt like you were drowning? In a deep hole?  If not, call me, email me, comment below....I need help. This is definitely not the first time I've experienced the feeling off being absolutely overwhelmed, but I don't feel like this is something that I've learned from in the past.  I just don't handle it well.

At this particular time, I'm overwhelmed at home and at school. It's not one or the other, it seems to permeate every aspect of my life. I recognize it - that's not the problem.  I'm not in denial - I know that I have a lot going on right now and I'm not getting everything done in the manner I should.  I can tell you what I'm not: I'm not being fruitful; I'm not being kind; I'm not being gentle; I'm not being loving; I'm not being joyful; I'm patient; I'm not being productive either.  

I want to crawl deeper in my hole. BUT, I know that won't solve the problems.  In reality, it will only compound them. Thus digging my hole deeper.  

So, where do I go from here. I think the first step is realizing it and admitting it. After that? I am blogging about being overwhelmed rather than making a dent in the never ending list of things that need to be done.


  1. Let God help you thru it one thing at a time. You are being loving and kind. You are and have always been a blessing even when you didn't know you were. Your fruitfullness very much shows through your children. Keep your head up and let me know what I can do to help you:)

  2. This is exactly how I have felt for months! I'm sure it stems from not being where I need to be in my relationship with the Lord. And this study stomped all over my toes before I even got to day 1. I think I better spend some time on my knees. Thanks for always encouraging me & holding me accountable! I am truly blessed to call you friend.
